Recipes — Ribs

BBQ Ribs

BBQ Ribs

Enjoy your summer barbeques with this delicious BBQ Rib recipe. Made to share with family and friends, the flavorful tastes from Sylvia's Sweet Cookin', Dippin' & Moppin' Sauce will leave everyone wanting more!  Prep Time 20 minCook Time 3 hours Ingredients: 3 pounds baby back ribs1 tablespoon ground cumin1 tablespoon chili powder1 tablespoon paprikaSylvia's Sweet Cookin', Dippin' & Moppin' Sauce Instructions: 1) Preheat grill to 250 degrees F. Remove membrane from the back of the ribs by lifting the end with a dry butter knife, then gripping it with a paper towel and lifting (my ribs already had the membrane removed). Rinse ribs with...

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