Enjoy your summer barbeques with this delicious BBQ Rib recipe. Made to share with family and friends, the flavorful tastes from Sylvia's Sweet Cookin', Dippin' & Moppin' Sauce will leave everyone wanting more!
Prep Time 20 min
Cook Time 3 hours
3 pounds baby back ribs
1 tablespoon ground cumin
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 tablespoon paprika
Sylvia's Sweet Cookin', Dippin' & Moppin' Sauce
1) Preheat grill to 250 degrees F. Remove membrane from the back of the ribs by lifting the end with a dry butter knife, then gripping it with a paper towel and lifting (my ribs already had the membrane removed). Rinse ribs with cool water and pat dry with paper towels.
2) In small bowl, mix together cumin, chili powder, and paprika. Coat all surfaces of ribs with rub. Place on grill, cover with lid, and cook fully covered for 2-3 hours.
3) Once the meat has pulled back from the bones, cover with a healthy amount of Sylvia's Sweet Cookin', Dippin' & Moppin' Sauce and continue to cook, covered, for the last 15 minutes of your grilling time to really get the sauce to stick.
4) Remove ribs from grill, slice, and serve with additional Sylvia's Sweet Cookin', Dippin' & Moppin' Sauce!