Recipes — fresh

Pasta Salad
This Pasta Salad recipe will be your new summer favorite! Enjoy for lunch or dinner as a fresh and light meal. This recipe is bursting with flavors from fresh arugula to Sylvia's Lemon Pepper Seasoning. Prep Time Cook Time Ingredients: Ingredients8 oz box gluten-free brown rice pasta1/2 cup feta1 large zucchini cut into half moons1 bunch of asparagus cut into pieces1-2 tablespoon olive oil1/3 cup toasted pine nuts1 1/2 cups arugulaDesired amount of dressingSalt and pepper to taste4-5 basil leaves for topping Lemon VinaigretteJuice and zest of one small lemon¼ cup olive oil2 teaspoons honey or cane sugar1 1/2 teaspoons Dijon mustardSalt and...
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